When all is said and done.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Weeeeeeeek...... SWOTVAC.

Dang! Where did the semester go.

One week baby. Bring it on.

I need my Boost :)


Friday, May 21, 2010

In the end, it all comes down to this. Pardon me. Exams are in 2 left corners and I have barely started to get in touch with my inner nerd self. Yes, contrary to popular belief, I do not study. I am currently rethinking my plan for the very near future and I need timeeeee. Cause I am such an indecisive brat.

Things are slowing down at least. I think. My planner does not have crazy amount of dates/meetings to attend anyway. Which is good for the moment but I realise that because of the hectic 3 months, I just can't stay put for long now. And I talk faster. Hoho. I blame it on work.


Just a gist: (because I should be mugging my books now)
AGM is over. Forms to fill in :( But am ecstatically happy for the new committee :)

Got a part time job. Pay is not too bad and as long as it doesn't take up too much of my time, its all good.

I need to cram a whole semester's worth of studies in 2 weeks. Lord, help me. I try okaaaay.

Going for Fame the Musical for FREEEEEEE. That's right, loathe me :) Heh.

Just received 500 bucks to spend on anything. Yup, ANYTHING. Which I already spent some on shopping. C.O.N.T.R.O.L. Sara.

I need to sew my mouth shut. Eating too much.

I'm not so confused anymore. It feels awesome to finally see clearly for a change :) And Lord, you know I have you to thank for.


On a last note, I am really going to miss my committee. Working with them is bitter sweet :) More sweet than bitter. And I would never have it any other way.

Dancing Through Life

Monday, May 10, 2010

If only we all could right?

In the mean time, I'll fawn over Fiyero :D

Aaron Tveit is love.

First noticed him in Gossip Girl and recently found out he sings as well!!!!!! Can he be more perfect? :D Plus he was in Wicked and Hairspraaaaay. Bliss.

In all honesty, I think Adam Lambert has an awesome voice for Fiyero's role too. But no, I do not like him now. But it doesn't change the fact that he makes a good Fiyero :)

Here I Go Again.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Just because I feel a little narcissistic now. Here you go A, the DIY fringe.

Photos were taken pre and post Mamma Mia : The Musical.
Ah, life is good for the most part. I've got a month to start cramming for finals. Add in the last few assignments and the part time work and life couldn't get anymore busy. But I like busy compared to idle for the moment. Till next time.


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