It's That Time Again...

Friday, March 24, 2006

This post is a little over due. But no matter.....

Its that time of the year again. The time when millions of people begin to plan their day to day schedules according to the viewing times of the latest American Idol programme.

I am sooooo included. Its just great fun to watch young undiscovered talents showing the world, actually America, what they've got and why THEY should be the next American Idol. Honestly, millions of people audition for this show. That's like 10 times more than the number of people who audition for Malaysian Idol. Maybe even more...

Anyway back to the topic. So we have millions of people. Throw in a ton of good talent, lots of confidence and the occasional weirdos and you get a reality show that will keep you rooted to your seats.

I like watching the audition rounds. You get to see people go in to the judging area with such high confidence that they will be the next american idol. Then coming out looking like their pet cat just died. Criticism from the judges comes in abundance I guess. Especially from Simon.

So here'e the thing. You either have it or you don't. I guess it has got to be their strong sense of self confidence then. I can't think of a better reason for most of them to go on national television and sing their lungs out. And suck real bad at it. I mean come on already. Like that guy who attempted to sing that Alladin theme song. Or that Clay Aiken look alike. Or the girl who sounded like a chipmunk. Or the girl who had those ridiculous viking-looking ponytails (She said Simon was gonna love her. How very, very, very wrong she was). Then there was that girl who dressed in that unbelievably tight lycra-ish suit. You know, the silver one. She looked..... Gosh, I can't even put it in words. At least those are the people thats make you laugh every once in a while. Hehe :)

Anyway, that was quite a while back. America has already chosen its final 12.
I'm too lazy to type out each of their names so go here for more details.

My personal favourites have got to be Chris, Ace, Katharine and Lisa. Chris and Katharine can definately sing. I like Ace but I don't think he's the best singer in the competition. He'll be going soon.... *sobs*.Lisa as well. She used to be better. But then again, its America's choice. Another 10 weeks or so and we'll get our new American Idol. Can't wait!

The Pictures That I Promised..

Monday, March 13, 2006

So here are the pics like I promised..

(Pictures from my school compound)

I have no idea how the whiteboard from one of the classes could fall down..


So yeah I lied. It wasn't such a bad day after all. We pretty much cam-hored for a good 3/4 of the day.... What can I say?..We just loveeee the cam..

(I was forced to take this pic)

Are we vain or are we vain?

Conclusion: We are so vain.

PS: We are such great examples to the guys...

Friday, March 10, 2006

It rained really hard yesterday. Understatement of the year that was. Yours truly was snoozing away so I can't provide much info. Honestly, my mum says that the even if the world comes to an end I would still be sleeping..Hehe. So anyway, I woke up right after the thunderstorm was over and had to deal with the millions of stories I heard.

Apparently trees were swaying from left to right, the wind was so strong that you could hear it, things were flying everywhere e.g. dustbin covers , sticks, and in one special case, an astro aerial...Must have been really strong. My cousin's house had no electricity for a good 6 hours at least, I think because the trees fell on the cables. Went for tuition that night and had a REALLY good look at the destruction the thunderstorm (some claim it was a mini tornado) caused. Everywhere you look trees were uprooted and the trail of destruction was unbelievable. Apparently the whole of Subang Jaya and parts of USJ was struck by this force of mother nature. Whoa she must be angry.

On the way to tuition, you could see that the wind was so strong that many a trees were blown to the side of the road. Some trees looked so funny because the tops of the trees were bending to one side. Not really a laughing matter but then... Passed this kindergarten where this huge tree right beside the kindie totally uprooted and fell into the kindergarten's compound. Even their gate was blocked.

My school wasn't spared though. Much of the zink roofs flew off and apparently damaged a few teachers' cars. The afternoon session students were let out early as a result. My class looked like a tornado really struck it. Papers were practically ripped from the boards and some chairs were blown out the back door. So we, as the students who love the school so much had to clean up the school compound. And school was cancelled for the afternoon session students. Something doesn't sound right here...

15 minutes later.....

I tried to upload some of the pictures I took but yet again my blogger ain't working. This sucks. I'll upload later k?

Off to penang now..


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sometimes thinking about the cutest pumps in the world(which you own) is soooo much better than thinking about the mountain of homework that you left on the table.

So here's the thing. Been shopping more than usual lately. My mum's complaining I have to many shoes. I won't complain. I rarely buy, honestly, I've been wearing the same pair of flops for the longest of times. So for my birthday this year, I decided to get myself a pair of shoes. Being indicisive, I wanted every pair of gorgeous shoes I laid eyes on. Snap back to reality (and to the amount of money in my wallet) and I had to decide. I finally decided on a pair of to-die-for heels. Unfortunately they came in two colours. I hate that. It makes the task of choosing even more difficult especially when you love both colours. I couldn't make up my mind. Mummy couldn't make up her mind. So......I got to buy both!!!!!! Sometimes parents are so unpredictable. Btw, I bought these heels a few days prior to my birthday and mummy paid for the heels...:) :)

Fast forward to my birthday. Went for dinner with my family and my aunt. Then as usual, we had to look around a.k.a. window shop/shop even though we've been to the place a million times and can tell you exactly where which shop is located. I love having a mum that loves shopping more than I do. Gives me an excuse to go shopping la. Teehee... Anyway back to the topic, my mum saw this bag she liked and I in turn saw the cutest pair of pumps in the world. My aunt saw a bag she liked and all's happy. It so happened that that shop was having a saleeeee..Me love sales....Buy 3 items and the 2nd item gets 20% off whereas the 3rd item gets 30% off. In order of price of course. That means the more expensive item won't get a discount whereas the 2nd most expensive item will get 20% off and so on. My pumps were the cheapest. Yay!! Mum finally relented and bought me the pumps too :)

Life's a little brighter when you have shoes to think about...

Addle My Brain..

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ever had one of those days where everything just seems to want to irritate you and nothing goes right?

I hate those days. Or maybe I'm just PMS-ing.


The day somebody comes up with a very, very good answer as to why we have to learn Moral in school, please give me a call. After learning it for approximately 9 years or so, I still can't figure out why. It wasn't so bad when all you needed was common sense to ace a written exam. But when they start to get you to memorise word by word of something that won't be of any use, and still expect you to ace it according to their rules, now that can get ugly. Don't we have freedom of speech???

mor·al (môrl, mr-)
1. Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.
2. Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson.
3. Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.
4. Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: a moral obligation.

Does the government expect us to act morally just because we memorise a few sentences that sound almost the same and write it down on paper? Puhleezzz...


Food for thought

Is it better to take a chance and settle with the consequences of your actions good or bad or take the safe route and forever wonder about the what if's?

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