The last post from where I have been for the past 9 months

Saturday, November 28, 2009

So, I don't need to elaborate because well, you KNOW I have waited long enough for this day.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I can't wait to squeeze everyone back home. By squeeze I mean hug. But you intelligent people know that :)

Its been a good 9 months. I don't know what I did to deserve this good life. But rest assured, I am very grateful for it. No complains whatsoever.

I have not discovered Melbourne enough yet though!! Oh I will DEFINITELY do it more next year. Was just too fresh this year. EXCUSES I KNOW BUT TRUE WHAAAAT. :D

Resolutions for next year:

1. Beaches! Next year I mesti go. I didn't really go this year. No swimsuit :( But yes next yeeeeear.

2. Looooooose weight for graduation. MUST. Better stop before people say I am complaining about weight again. I'm a girl. A girly girl most of the time. Who likes pretty pretty dresses. And shoes. Bite me.

3. H1 for all subjects! I CAAAAAAAN. Don't think I so dumb dumb can? I know my grades this year have been nothing to boast about but give me a break or 5 la I was adapting to life here. Okay another excuse because I think I have settled in quite well here if I do say so myself :) I don't think I show it enough how much I miss home because people have been saying WHY do I want to go back right after exams. I am pretty sure they think I am very comfortable here. Which I am. In all honesty. Home is still home you know? :) That special feeling of always knowing that no matter how much you screw up, there will always be people who will love you for all your faults.

4. I shall add more when I can think of some. Currently wasting time because I am too lazy to pack things. BUT CANNOOOOT. I'm leaving tonight. Okay bye bye.

Gah I don't like packing. Oh sure I was dying to do it while I was having exams but now when it is actually here....okay I shall stop complaining cause there really is nothing to complain about is there?

Melbourne, you have been good to me. I'll be back next year :) Don't miss me!

God is good, all the time.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


One more baby.

Now I am lazy to pack. Geram-nye my mood swings.

But heck, I'll be home soon.

Don't miss me :)

7 days.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

So I got this from a friend.Yup, its that time of feeling stressed over exams again where words like these speak louder to the soul.

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

And another fave f mine,

If He leads you to it, He will lead you through it.

Faith <3

9 days

Friday, November 20, 2009

S.C.A.R.E.D. X 10000000000000000000000000000000000

Chinese can kill. My final paper that is. I want to feel happy after the paper. I really do :(

Pretty please?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

God, can I go shopping tomorrow? I promise I'll somehow manage to cram 12 weeks worth of lectures and tutorials PLUS past year papers into my brain today.

Then tomorrow I shall declare a 2 hour break for myself to finally look at pretty clothes again. Got saaaaleeeeee. What do you say to that? Yes? No? Maybe?

God: Get off facebook and blogging and then we'll talk


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Maybe its about time to change that side bar pic. Just maybe. Or maybe you should concentrate on that studying you are supposed to be doing right about NOW. Instead of blogging.

I'm sorry. Just a little distracted. 9 months away from home does this to you.

I want Christmas. I waaant. I waaant Christmas food.

Currently revisiting childhood memories with Mickey's Christmas Carol. If you haven't watched it, have never even heard of it, you are a sad child indeed and I pity you. Because my life would not be as perfect as it is now if I never had those little building blocks of Christmas movies/cartoons. But don't fret cause its never too late. Call me and I'll watch them with you a million times over. I never get bored. :D

Nightmare before Christmas, the Grinch etc. Ultimate love.


Sorry, 9 months of not being pampered has its side effects. Bite me.

Go study doink

Thursday, November 12, 2009


your brain


Exams aren't even over and you have not started studying for your next two papers. You always feel stressed that you are not stressed yet. Kick in already, damnnit.


your (more logical side) cerebrum.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I. N.E.E.D. T.I.M.E.

Grant me knowledge dear lord.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

This never ending circle of procrastination and broken promises to myself will never end will it?

Every beginning of a new sem I tell myself, "This sem, I'll do this, this, this." Nod my head, give myself a pat on the back and move forward.

Every end of the semester I tell myself the same thing. This time, its a promise for next semester.

Oh woe is me. I need the circle to end.

I miss home. 3 weeks. I can do it.

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