Sunday, August 13, 2006
This post may turn a little emo at the end so please don't mind me.
As you probably guessed, I was confirmed today.
To say that the day went perfectly would be a total lie. It started out anything but perfect in fact.
Woke up at apporximately 5.15 a.m. I wish I could just smash my clock at times. I set my alarm at 6 a.m. and it wakes me up at 5 a.m. When I set it earlier, it doesn't even ring!...Stupid clock.. I'm refraining from chucking it just because its purple...I'm a sucker for all things purple. So yours truly here was as usual half blind and could not see that it was only 5 a.m. , woke up, bathed, and got dressed. When I was done dressing, I realised it was only 5.45 a.m. Stupid, stupid clock.
To my utmost horror, I saw yellow spots all over my white blouse!...Oh gosh I was gonna faint right there and then.... Mummy!!!
She was sleeping la.... So I had to slowly torture myself and figure out what to do. To cry or not to cry?..Thank god I didn't have to torture myself too long...Mummy woke up and took care of things. She did her best but the yellow spots still remained although faintly. They weren't even tiny ones....To me it looked huge! Of all days... At least no one noticed la.....
Went to church early. Had to assemble in the hall. Instructions were given and then walked into churh with my Godmum. She gave me a beautiful present! Mummy gave me one too! *beams widely*
Sat through the normal mass. Then the time came for the annointing with oil. He got oil into my hair!!!!...At least it wasn't that much la...But I thought it was only to be on my forehead le....It was a normal mass except for the presence of the Archbishop. Then it was time for photos!!.. And you know I never miss out on camwhoring.... : D
The family..
Dad. Sara. Mum.
Sara. Godmum.
Sara. Sonia.
Sara. Shaun.
Po-po. Sara.
The crazy but lovable friends....
Sara. Marianne. Dada. Fran. Sookie. Angeline.
Calvin. Sara. Germae.
Sara. Adam.
Sara. Sanjan. Marianne. Matthew. Colin.
Sara. Adeline.
Sara. Marianne. Normman. Colin.
Adam. Sara. Marianne. Colin.
Sookie. Sara.
Sara. Cass.
The Archbishop..
Germae. Archbishop Murphy Pakiam. Sara.
As much as I have been looking forward to Confirmation, there has always been this nagging little feeling inside me. The feeling of losing touch with all my friends in Sunday School. In a way, Confirmation marks the end of my Sunday School years. As a student at least. There's always a chance that I may go back and help out.
Its depressing really. I will definately lose touch with some of them. Sure we may meet each other in church but most of the friends I am close with go for the earlier masses. There's a 90% chance none of my sunday school friends will read this so I guess I can be as sappy as I want to be. I am soooooo gonna miss all of them. After ten or so years of being sunday schoolmates, its gonna be a little difficult to grasp that I won't be seeing them on every sunday from now on.
No more waiting for each other outside the classroom or in the corridors.
No more toilet breaks for the sole reason for doing our hair.
No more gossiping about the hot guys in out church. (I know, I know its bad. But we can't help it ;P )
No more listening to wild stories from our respective schools. Really wild stories. Its great to know about what happens in other schools every now and then.
No more calling each other to find out if there is sunday school. Half an hour before sunday school starts :D
No more mindless conversations.
No more bullying the teachers.
No more bullying our seniors who were helping out. We still love you guys.
No more havocs in class. Yeah, I'll even miss the havoc.
No more camwhoring with the girls.
Although we have been in the same class for about ten years, its sad that I never really got to know some of my classmates at all. Especially the quite ones. They just keep to themselves la. At least the guys were more open this year. Got to know some of them better.
When will I ever get to see this scene again?