Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Helloooooooo world!
Haha. Exams are over and Kerry is bugging me to update when we live in the same apartment, not to mention we share the bedroom. She is so impatient :P What would I do without you though, constantly punching me and taking my handphone for me when an sms comes? :D
Man, I miss home cooked food. Or any type of fatty food for that matter. Sometimes I hate it when I start counting calories again. But as long as the pants fit, it's all good.
Finals were....okay. Sigh. I DO hope the results won't kill me. Please be so merciful to this little fille, God. She DID study for finals. Although she enjoyed most of the time here and got sidetracked just a teeeny weeny bit a lot, she got her priorities back again :( Hopefully it wasn't too late.
I NEED a job. NEED NEED NEED. Stressed that enough?
More proper updates soon la. I PROMISE.
Don't miss me :)