Saturday, April 24, 2010
PMS is such a b*tch. I'm gaining weight from all that extra eating.
I cut my fringe today. Because I felt like it. I've been feeling off these few days. I woke up this morning with the urge for the fringe and since getting a haircut here costs me an arm or a leg, I decided to do it myself. Heh. I think I might have over done it. Whoops. In my defense, its my first time but there is just something extremely calming of taking control of those scissors and snip snapping the hair. Its not horrible. i can still show my face in public if I haven't been scaring enough people already. But it might be a bit short. I'll let you be the judge.
Once again, PMS is a pain in the ass. I'll go for a jog tomorrow. I need it.