The last post from where I have been for the past 9 months

Saturday, November 28, 2009

So, I don't need to elaborate because well, you KNOW I have waited long enough for this day.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I can't wait to squeeze everyone back home. By squeeze I mean hug. But you intelligent people know that :)

Its been a good 9 months. I don't know what I did to deserve this good life. But rest assured, I am very grateful for it. No complains whatsoever.

I have not discovered Melbourne enough yet though!! Oh I will DEFINITELY do it more next year. Was just too fresh this year. EXCUSES I KNOW BUT TRUE WHAAAAT. :D

Resolutions for next year:

1. Beaches! Next year I mesti go. I didn't really go this year. No swimsuit :( But yes next yeeeeear.

2. Looooooose weight for graduation. MUST. Better stop before people say I am complaining about weight again. I'm a girl. A girly girl most of the time. Who likes pretty pretty dresses. And shoes. Bite me.

3. H1 for all subjects! I CAAAAAAAN. Don't think I so dumb dumb can? I know my grades this year have been nothing to boast about but give me a break or 5 la I was adapting to life here. Okay another excuse because I think I have settled in quite well here if I do say so myself :) I don't think I show it enough how much I miss home because people have been saying WHY do I want to go back right after exams. I am pretty sure they think I am very comfortable here. Which I am. In all honesty. Home is still home you know? :) That special feeling of always knowing that no matter how much you screw up, there will always be people who will love you for all your faults.

4. I shall add more when I can think of some. Currently wasting time because I am too lazy to pack things. BUT CANNOOOOT. I'm leaving tonight. Okay bye bye.

Gah I don't like packing. Oh sure I was dying to do it while I was having exams but now when it is actually here....okay I shall stop complaining cause there really is nothing to complain about is there?

Melbourne, you have been good to me. I'll be back next year :) Don't miss me!

1 gave their two cents:

aliah zulkifli said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh BESTnya sara kang mau balik kampung :P

i like your resolutions!! gonna make sure u achieve every single one of them! :D
and by the way i haven't receive your card. i check the mailbox everyday ever since you told me u sent a card. will still be checking my mailbox everyday!

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