Thursday, October 28, 2010
So I did not forget this random facts stuff. Just been a little busy. I'm going to be a graduate soooooooon. It's all so final now. More on that later.
Anywho, random fact #3.
I'm a fickle for good grammar. I realise I feel this slight hint of annoyance every time someone writes or types out something that is not grammatically correct. But it passes in a split second. I'm not saying I'm the best, but come on. It's like Grammar for Idiots 101. I make mistakes too okay, I'm not saying I don't. Then again, the 'Manglish' probably killed good English Language for our country. Go figure.
Example: You're = You are. 'Your' does not mean you are.
1 gave their two cents:
Time passed by very fast. Uncle wish you all the best in whatever you undertake. God bless.
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