Here I am, still alive. For the most part :)
I change emotions so often it's scary. Teehee. You'll get used to it if you aren't already.
Anyway, it must be so trifling reading about the life of an average teen. Millions blog about their lives too. Nothing out of the ordinary. Too bad I am an exeption eh? :D
But heck, I don't discuss really important issues here anyway and if you still visit here, you've probably noticed by now. For heart-to-heart conversations, call me out and we'll talk. I don't bear my whole soul here for a one sided reflection. Not my style. I can get deep when the occasion calls for it. Only when it does. And only people I am confortable with of course.
So for the most part, small rantings, okay, sometimes longer rantings occupy this place. And of course the small joys in life that come by every now and then. Those that can be mentioned in passing. The big ones really can't be put into words. They could, but it would take you ages to read it anyway. And the human mind is so fickle. Too many words and they drift off. Am I right? :D Besides, I DO have many big joys in life.
Anyway, as usual, I forgot the reason for this post. I guess I am just feeling better than usual. I love this feeling. Assignments done and all. Well, I do have one more but I'm pausing for a moment to take a breather. Oh and not to mention the vast amount of reading I have neglected for God knows how many weeks. It's a wonder I still am able to retain a fraction of what is mentioned in lectures considering my current state.
Anyway, as I said, a breather and a respite from the workload. Tralalalalalala....
I've succumbed to the dark side. I thought I was strong enough to resist it but....I failed. I'm such a sucker for a good book :( It's so bad it might be a flaw.
I'm reading Twilight now. Don't roll your eyes okay. True, I haven't read books like these in a long time. I do admit they can be a little cliched. I mean, compared to books like The Kite Runner, Angela's Ashes, Gone With The Wind, Pride and Prejudice and Atonement to name a few, Twilight can seem really shallow. Not much depth. Surely you get it. Its very easy reading.
But I've not outgrown my girlish fantasies. Not totally anyway. So it's always nice to indulge in a book like Twilight every now and then. Hehe.
I didn't think it was such a hit in Malaysia but then suddenly everyone was talking about it. I think the movie, due in December or November created the hype.
Short gist la. I am so very lazy to give the details here. Vampire love story. Hot male vampire falls for human girl which apparently isn't as hot. So the story goes... Cliched right? Smirk all you want, I really don't care. Besides, I'll always prefer those novels to series like Twilight.
I think it's a huge hit with the tweens since I did find it in the teenage section of MPH. I heard of this book a long time ago but I didn't think it was a big thing in Malaysia and then the next thing I knew, its displayed everywhere.
So... heh. I'm weak for many things okay. Don't judge. I love clothes and books equally as much :P
Anyway, I was quite reluctant to buy it since the printed words were quite big and well, I'm so used to small words in bestselling novels. I even thought of borrowing the series. Yeah, its a series. But I COULDN'T help myself. I read the 1st book in a day. Heh. BIG WORDS, LARGE SPACINGS. Okay la the point is, I bought the whole set :D :D
New books make me happy la. Anything new makes me happy. So I'm gonna indulge for a while. I know its not a good thing. BUT. We shall leave it at that. And I haven't read a good book in weeks :(
Dad spoils me in more ways than one. But I shall be eternally grateful :)

The first book in the series. The next books are
New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
*skips off happily to read the remaining books*