Bite me

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm gaining weight. I'm depressed. And I miss mummy.

I'm afraid to tell her I miss home in case she worries. Damn.

I just miss the old feeling of comfort. But I don't feel ready to leave Melbourne yet. There's just so much to do.

I just miss the family. Sharing popcorn with the sis and Marmite soup with the bro. Yes, even long talks with dada on the balcony. Sigh. Stress is a b*tch.

3 gave their two cents:

Adelina said...

Really missss u tooo!

I'm ok la, still surviving... yet.

Sara said...

I miss you toooo :(

Wern Ching said...

stress is a sucker. =(

be strong and take care! skype more with your family to cure the missing. haha!


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