
Thursday, December 11, 2008

You know what's damn shiok? 

Finding money you never knew you had :D :D

Damn happy one okay. I finally wore this pair of jeans I left hanging on the clothes rack to collect dust, mold and what not eons ago.  Felt into the pockets and pulled out an RM50 note. I felt richer instantly :) Was thinking it was scrap paper and was walking to the dustbin some more. 

Have been feeling broke for weeks. Mini jackpot :)

Currently tuning in to songs by Charice Pempengco. That girl's voice is one of the best. Go ahead and prove me wrong. I hope she makes it big. I mean, she's already been on Oprah and Ellen. What more is there right? Oh wait. She sang with Celine Dion. NOW what else is there?

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