Saturday, April 15, 2006

When life throws you a hurdle, you either stop before you reach it or you jump over it.


You know, in a few months I'll probably have to make one of the hardest decisions in my life.

(Drum roll please......)

The decision of what I plan to study in the very, very, very near future. Yup, thats my dilemma at the moment. Oh sure, many of you have probably made up your minds about what you want to study ( speaking to those who are at my age), but there are always the exceptional few, like me, who frankly aren't ready to make such a life altering decisions.

When you're an average student, neither excelling nor failing in any subjects, you tend to feel the strain. Believe me, its there. I mean, what can I possibly do? I don't excel in anything. Some people excel in certain subjects whereas I, well, I just.......don't.

So here's the thing. I do try. Really, I do. I want to find something I'm really good at but disappointments just turn up whichever way I turn. Life was so much easier way back in the good ol' days when you just wrote down what was your ambition. Heck, I can still remember the countless number of times I had to fill in forms when I was younger. You know, forms regarding information about yourself and so on. So, many a times I'll stumble across word "AMBITION". Needless to say, I'll just write down these three: doctor, teacher and lawyer.

Oh how naive I was back then. My friends wanted to be doctors, so I wanted to be one as well. Oh btw, I don't think they were thinking much back then either. Hehe.

So everyone wanted to be a doctor. Why not, right? You make loads of money, save lives and live happily ever after. The end. Hehe. Just joking. But back then, did I know that in order to be a doctor I had to study medicine for at least 7 years? No. Did I know that it would cost a huge bomb in my parents' wallet? No. Did I know this? Did I know that? NO. So there you have it, naive little children who didn't know any better just writing down the job they think will make them rich. If life was so easy. But it isn't.

So now here I am, trying to get through my unending pile of homework, somehow find the time to revise, get the amount of sleep I require or else I'm incapable of functioning and yadda yadda. Then comes the bomb that I have to dicide what it is that I plan to take up. I can't just write it down on paper this time and discard it like what I have done countless of times in the past.

Then there's the thing of choosing what kind of doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. that you want to become.

For doctors:

General practice
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Surgery (Including Dental Surgery)

For lawyers:

Adoption Lawyer
Appeals Attorney
Auto Accident Lawyer
Aviation Attorney
Bankruptcy Lawyer
Collections Attorney
Constrution Lawyer
Criminal Defense Attorney
Criminal Lawyer
Divorce Attorney
DWI Attorney
Estate Planning Lawyer
Franchise Lawyer
Immigration Lawyer
Investment Lawyer
Lemon Lawyer
Litigation Attorney
Maritime Lawyer
Medical Malpractice Attorney
Nursing Home Lawyer
Patent Attorney
Product Liability Attorney
Tax Lawyer
Trademark Lawyer
Workers Compensation Lawyer
Wrongful Death Lawyer

For engineers:

Computer Science

There isn't just ' doctor ' or ' lawyer ' or ' engineer ' anymore. Great. Just great.

The thing is, how will I know if I'm interested in that particular field if I haven't even studied it?
Somebody please give me an answer.

I want to stop cogitating on this matter. But I'll have to face it sooner or later. I prefer sooner.


" The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton

I want my rainbow... :)

2 gave their two cents:

Anonymous said... got to relax thinking bout ur future. Heck,i been wanting to be a doctor my whole life...and just stops..I found out bout the fees, time,brain power needed and all. Hopefully things wun get too complicated while i'm trying to sort myself out.

Well,u can always go to career talk, take some career tests...and hospital attachment..just to see whether u are truly interested to become a doctor... But girl, i think u will make a right choice. No sweat... =)

Sara said...

Hey girl! Long time no chat! thanks for dropping by btw. FYI, I never actually planned to be a doctor. Well, for now anyway. I would prefer psychology. Then again I just might change my mind. anyway thanks for the advice. Hope you're having a blast in collage now! take care and god bless!

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