BCP Is Just Not My Cup Of Tea.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I so screwed up my BCP test today. Smack those who said it was easy. Its not like I'm such a whiz that I can actually afford to give up my precious marks and hope to score better in future tests and exams okay. There's another test next week. And its not an open book test. :( I want a HD! So when I get the hardcopy of my results, I will have solid prove I mastered whatever I'm supposed to be learning now. Bah. I'll try la.

Its so hard being in a class with whiz kids. They just go tap, tap, tap on that darn keyboard. By the time they have typed a hundred words, I'm still typing about forty. Yes, I'm that slow. Those guys aren't supposed to be so smart anyway. Wait, I'm not supposed to be so dense.

Btw, you wanna see Heng embarrass herself? Not like she doesn't do it on a regular basis, but these are just SO extra funny. It reflects her crazy attitude. I love her for that. Muax Heng!

Watch This.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Elliot Yamin looks hot now. He did something to his teeth. His eyes aren't half bad either :)

Maybe you don't remember him. He was last year's American Idol 2nd runner up. I never really liked him but he sure won over mum. She adores him. Anyway, he lost out to Taylor Hicks and Katharine McPhee. Before the finals, I thought that if Katharine couldn't win, I had hoped that it would be Elliot. I sure hope the dude succeeds this time. Hopefully he will make as much of an impact as Chris Daughtry who proved that he didn't need to win AI to make it. He certainly deserves it. His mommy must be so proud :)

Just A Drifting Thought.

The new generation of dads will sport earrings. I find that weird in a way. I guess its because I've been brought up in an era where dads just don't wear earrings. Sure I've heard of some who do, but the majority of them don't. Guess their kids will have it easy. I mean, if you have an earring, you can't exactly tell your son he can't have one. What a way to contradict yourself. But maybe its a good thing. If a child ever wonders if his/her dad was ever a kid once, they just have to look at the earring. Yes, your dad was a kid once. He might have been a rebel :)

I am beginning to despise long fingernails on guys. I don't care if you hate me for saying this. Honestly, what do guys see in it? Only girls look good with long fingernails. Its not like guys actually use nail varnish or anything. I see a guy with long fingernails and I shudder. Its not that I don't like the you as a person. I just don't like your fingernails. Don't give me some lame excuse that you need to play the guitar or something like that. That's why guitar picks were made. Some sensible guy who loved to play the guitar probably created them because he knew that long fingernails on a guy is just a turn off. I salute the maker of the first guitar pick. I'm making this up but I think its reasonable. Personally, I love the various designs one can find on guitar picks nowadays. I find them really cute :)

I've been in a temperamental mood these last few days. So I know my posts have been quite critical. I just feel annoyed every time I blog. So I pick out the latest thing that's bugging me. Maybe I'm just PMS-ing. I say maybe because although I have really bad PMS, it usually doesn't last for more than two days. I've been in a rotten mood for the last few days. Hormones are such a nuisance at times.

Pet Peeve.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So it was expected. The presentation didn't go well. I know I should not feel disappointed. But it still hurts to think we could have done better. Anyway, its over.

Pet peeve at the moment : Inconsequential chain mail.

Yeah, I get annoyed when I receive such emails. They clog up my inbox and I just do not like that. So please, don't forward them to me. I just delete them. Look, I appreciate the thought but I just do not have the patience to read them. I only read forwarded emails that make some sense or are thought provoking.

I do not like messages that tell me I need to forward one message to 10 people and hope to receive it back to know I am loved. I already know that I am. I do not care that I will have 10 years of bad luck if I do not re post or forward the message. Heck, I do not bother that I will get 10 years of good luck if I forward the message either. I do not believe a dead person will come and haunt me or crawl out from under my bed. I do not need to forward an email to tell people I love them. If I love you, you'll hear it from me face to face. Just so you know, I am still your friend even if I do not send it back to you. And I know you are my friend. Plain and simple. I do not want any soppy forwarded love messages either. Forward them to your boyfriend/girlfriend only because in reality you will never say that to me. I do not believe I will have 10 years of bad luck in relationships for not forwarding it. Oh, since I am already ranting on this topic, please do not forward chain mail in Friendster either. It gets on my nerves. Friendster isn't closing down. If it does, then too bad. It ain't the end of the world.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Geeee.... Whose the girl who is going to flunk her presentation tomorrow?

I am not in a good mood. Do not aggravate me. You have been warned.

Monday, April 16, 2007

I love being random. If you hate it, then leave. No one is stopping you.

1) I am a klutz. I make the most klutzy person look graceful.

Reasons to justify my reasoning :

a) Now that I've moved to a condo, I have to walk considerably more than usual than when I was living in a house. To my unit I mean. Sometimes I have to walk from the guard house even, well, just because I can't drive up the slopes to the car park yet. ANYWAY, there are many, MANY pillars on the way to the lift in my building. So sometimes, I just don't feel like looking at the guards that constantly roam my building. You understand. So I would walk with my head bowed down until I reach the lifts. I notice them huge pillars a mile away though. Who wouldn't? Yes, as blind as I am I can still see them. Heck, I live here. So.. I walk, and walk, and walk. AND almost bang my head against the pillar. Seriously, you'd think a girl would have noticed she was walking head on into a pillar that was far from transparent. You haven't seen me. OH. This has hapenned so many times, I am still shocked that I haven't knocked my head once. Yes, I always stop 2 cm away from the pillar. Look up at it as if noticing it for the first time, shake my head AGAIN at my stupidity, and walk around it.

b) Tired of almost walking into pillars, I walk at the other side of the road to the lifts sometimes. I guess me being klutzy is inborn. If its not pillars I'm walking into, its dustbins and benches. Makes it even worse when I can OBVIOUSLY see the dustbin when I walk with my head bowed down. As height deprived as I am. Just so you know, I walk with my head bowed down sometimes not because I don't want to smile at the guards. There's this thing called the sun?

c) I trip ever so often. When I enter a new place to eat persay. I'd be walking with my friends and whoopsss. Some will even be walking in front of me and I'll see them step up the curb or step. Yet, when its my turn, I go blind and almost trip. Most of the time, I won't look at where I am going and end up tripping because I didn't see a small step going down. And I don't recover quick enough to make it seem as if I had purposely intended to miss that step. Or walk into it for the millionth time. On the contrary, I make one hell of a commotion.

d) I love my heels. When you are vertically challenged, you can't help but love 'em. I can walk in them at least. I think I've done okay so far considering my history. BUT. Yeah, theres always a but. I still can't manage walking up steps in heels. Please don't ask why. The end of my heels hate me for some reason. They just refuse to be on the steps I'm walking up. So, I ONLY walk near the railings. That way, when the end of my heels miss the step they are supposed to be on, I can hang on for dear life to the railings. Eh, sometimes the steps are tiny okay. A very good example? Go to TBS. Yeah, my feet are small. And I find the steps there small. Its a wonder I haven't done worse harm to myself other than miss a the occasional step and trip with my super heavy books.

e) I walk into people a lot. Not on purpose okay. I just like to walk backwards sometimes. And obviously I don't look if there are people behind me. So yeah. I am sorry if I stepped on your precious shoes. Or hit your arm. Or just plain make you stumble. For the record, I do apologize profusely.

f) I bump into things. Doors, tables, chairs, mirrors, cupboards, etc. This needs no embarrassing explanation.

2) I am a picky egg eater.

YES, I like my eggs well cooked. NO, I don't like 'em to be half cooked. I don't like them stuffed into my paus and curry puffs. I don't fancy egg sandwiches either. I still do not understand why some people can like that. I love the yolk and not the white. But I will still eat the white if I have no choice. I don't like eating hard boiled eggs. I love them fried. Omelettes are good too.

3) I am blind at times. Not literally.

YES, I am vain. So what if I don't like to wear my specs? So what if I can't see that hot guy standing at the other end of the road? There are plenty more out there. Besides, I just like to look at them, give them the once over and then forget about them. I don't stalk them ;) Neither do I think about them.

4) I am a business student. And I am enjoying it.

Person 1 : So what are you studying now?
Sara : I am doing a business foundation *smiles*
Person 1 : OH. I thought you would be doing a science course. So 'smart'. *gives me a totally disinterested look*
Sara : *Sheeeesh. So what? Do you think I am stupid now?*

Person 2 : So what are you studying now?
Sara : I am doing a business foundation *smiles*
Person 2 : Oh. * gives me the look. She ain't that bright la...*
Sara : * I caught that look*
Person 2 : (changes the subject)
Sara : * probably thinks I can't handle discussing my future since I am only a business student*

Person 3 : So what are you studying now?
Sara : I am doing a business foundation *smiles*
Person 3 : What?! WHY??!! You were a science student!! So smart why do business? Wasted only your science subjects in secondary school.
Sara : Oh, cause I don't think I am very interested in science .*why must you emphasize on the word business like that?* *so if I do business means I am not smart already?*
Person 3 : You should do science la. Anyone can do business.
Sara : *internally rolling my eyes. If you haven't done it, don't act like you have*

Sometimes I just feel like asking them straight in their face if they think I am not smart because I am not doing a science course. So what if I am not studying about electrons or velocity? I choose not to study about electrolisis or the speed of sound. I choose not to study about microorganisms. I just don't have a lot of interest in it. I can't remember all that scientific terms. I enjoyed it during my high school years. But thats about it. I just don't see myself making a profession out of it. Sure, a business course is not as complex as a science course, but it doesn't mean I lack intellectual acuity. I know that. I would love to see the look on the faces of all those who doubted me when I make my first 6 figure salary. Better yet, I'm going to be a CEO :D

5) I wonder how motivators stay positive all the time.

I like giving people advice. I can't say the same for myself. I can't always see the bright side of everything. I can't live as I preach. And so I try not to always give people advice if I really don't believe what I am saying. How do motivators do it? Are they always so positive 24/7? Do they always see the silver lining in every bad thing? Is there always a silver lining in every bad incident?

6) I sometimes wish I had a big talent.

I know I am not musically inclined. I can't play the piano to save my life. Maybe I am a singer deep down :) HAHA. Ok. Stop laughing. I wish I had an interest in photography then. Or maybe as a painter! I could have been the next Picasso, Da Vinci, Raphael or Michelangelo!

7) I sometimes wish I had a great interest in something.

If I can't do it, I wish I could appreciate it. Like the arts for example. I wish I could just look at a painting and tell you something significant about it or the painter. Like if he cut off his ear or something. Heck, I wish I could just identify the paintitng and the painter. I find the arts interesting but I just can't remember it after some time. I have always been interested in Greek Mythology. But I can't remember all the stories I've read about after a while. Aih.

8) I want to be interested in history.

If I were, studying for it wouldn't be so darn boring. I kind of like Egyptian history. Then again, I can't remember much about it. Sorry, Malaysian history just does not interest me. Call me unpatriotic, I couldn't care less.

9) I have no respect for beggars. Period.

I look at them and think " They can work for a decent leaving". They are old. So what? I've seen many old people out in the streets making an honest albeit poor living. I have more respect for the old lady who goes around selling cakes then I do for beggars. Its a different story if they are handicapped. I somehow feel sorry for them. But come on. The beggars I see are smoking. They loiter outside the church in hopes that we will give them some money because we feel sorry for them. They are so poor yet they can afford to smoke? Makes me sick.

Friday, April 13, 2007

I just have to let this out.

Todays trip was okay. Not spectacular. Honestly, it leans towards boring and pointless. I am going to be lying when I write my reflective journal later. What to do? :( We can't be anonymous when we submit them.


Honestly, I didn't think Malaysian Studies would be that bad. I tried to stay positive. All the complains about LAN subjects from my friends, I tried to ignore. My positivity only lasted for so long. Can't say I didn't try.

Can't say I love the teacher either. Can't blame her though. I would be bored to tears if I were to teach Malaysian Studies for the 6th year running. Then again, I'll give her some credit. Maybe she DOES love it. I dont' believe it, but I'll pretend too.

Btw, my eyes hibernate when I enter the class. :D


Second week of classes and I already feel the strain of my workload. And to think I was complaining about my first semester being too boring. I take back those words. Please, let me take them back. Some prioritizing is in high demand here. *Looooooong sigh*


Okay. Off to do my Businees Computing now. I don't want to fail this class. Somehow, I don't feel that confident.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Driving at night is so nerve wrecking I think I need some nerve replacements. Seriously.


How much have YOU changed in the last 10 years ?

April 1 1997.
1) How old were you?

2)Where did you go to school?

3)Where did you work?
I was 8.

4)Where did you live?
Subang Jaya

5)Where did you hang out?
Eh. I went to school and came home everyday. Maybe the occasional visit to a
friend's house.

6)Did you wear glasses?
Nope. Gone are the days.

7)Who was your best friend?
Had a bunch of great friends :D

8)How many tattoos did you have?

9)How many piercings did you have?
2. One on each ear.

10)What car did you drive?

11)Had you been to a real party?
If you count birthday parties then, yeah.

12)Had your heart broken?

April 1 2002

1.) How old were you?

2.) Where did you go to school?

3.) Where did you work?
I worked for my aunt during the hols. Photostating paper is fun when you get paid. Fun :)

4.) Where did you live?
Subang Jaya.

5.) Where did you hang out?
Eh. Subang Parade I guess. Sunway Pyramid.

7.) Who was your best friend?
I can't remember. New school, new crowd.

8.) Who was your regular-person crush?
I think it was still Aiman. I know. *shivers*

9.) How many tattoos did you have?

10.) How many piercing did you have?
2. Although I really can't remember when I did my next piercings.

11.) What car did you drive?
I couldn't drive.

12) Had you had your heart broken?

April 1 2007

1.) How old are you?

2) Where do you work?
Still studying.

3) Where do you live?
Wangsa Baiduri. WHICH is still in Subang.

4.) Do you wear glasses?
Yes. When NEEDED.

5.) Where do you hang out?
Still at pyramid. Asia Cafe. College?

6.) Who is your best friend?
They know who they are :)

8.) Do you talk to your old friends?

9.) How many piercing do you have?
5. 2 on left ear, 3 on right.

10.) How many tattoos?

11.) What kind of car do you drive?
I don't have my own car :( Mum's Waja is the next best thing.

12.) Has your heart been broken?

And I tag...

Wern Ching.

Sorry I am so lazy to do the 28 secrets. You guys probably know all about me anyway :D

Of Goodbyes And Envious Feelings.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Some of my college friends have left. They hope to get better scholarships. If they don't get it, they still aren't coming back. I miss them already.

I'm not proud of this next bit. Truthfully, I feel a lil'....... envious. I wish I didn't, but I just can't help it. Sometimes, I wish they wouldn't go. I know. I know its stupid to feel this way. Selfish even. I mean, if I had the chance, I would totally leave for better things too. So who am I to say they can't strive for better things in life when given the chance ? I wouldn't want to won't contradict myself.

Maybe this can be a form of motivation for me. It will motivate me. Seeing my friends leave makes me believe and have higher hopes that I'll have my chance to make my mark in this big ol' world one day. I will see much more of this world before I leave it. I pray I will.

As much as I want to view this parting as a good thing for both parties, I still wish this feeling of envy hadn't even surfaced.

Ok. *smacks self* Stop willowing in self pity . Because I know that deep down I really do. Feel happy for them, that is.

Two of them have left. It was so sweet of them to drop by today to say goodbye. I realy hate goodbyes. I mean goodbyes when you actually mean goodbye. Not the I'll see you tomorrow kind of goodbye. I didn't think Iwould feel so sad since I've only known them for about 3 months. I guess you never really can tell how much some people have grown on you.

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