
Friday, February 15, 2008

Well. Its over. Teaching that is.

Yup. Today is officially my last day of being a substitute teacher. My current mood? HUMONGOUS, GIGANDO RELIEF.

I don't think I'm quite there yet when it comes to teaching kids. Teaching is fine, don't get me wrong. I don't mind teaching. Its more of controlling the kids that I have a problem with. Young and boisterous. That really shoould be the defination for kids. Either that or time sure has changed since I was a kid.

I feel mean now. I really hope they get a strict replacement teacher. At least then she would be able to control them. REALLY control them. Maybe then they'll see how good they got it when I was teaching. I was too nice to them. Sometimes I wished I was stricter. But when they are so darn adorable its abit hard. Honestly, it was getting to the point where I just felt like slapping them. Rude and obnoxious they were to me. GGGRRR. So honestly, a strict teacher would benefit them because they will study as well as learn when to shut it when asked too. These rants only relate to the standard 3 students. Standard 5 kids were okay. When I have kids, I'll teach them manners till they become the epitome of a gentleman or lady :D


Yeah. Sometimes. You have no idea how bad it got.
Other than that, I really had no complains working there. The other teachers were good to me and thats all I could really ask for. One of my exteachers came up to me one day.

Teacher H: Sara, now you know how I feel. *Gives me that been- there-done-that smile*
Mua: I sure do. But I did your work :D
Teacher H: *Laughs*

Anyhow, I survived. But I doubt if I stayed longer I would have survived. Strange as it may seem, I just might miss them. The kids.

Back to being a college student next week :)


I want class like Audrey Hepburn. Teehee. Random I know. But watch Breakfast At Tiffany's. I think I've watched it more times than I can count. You'll get my drift.

2 gave their two cents:

Anonymous said...

Dont worry kang. u will live in a mansion earning aalot in a year :( remember to invite to stay over ur hse when my shack collapse ok? :(

Sara said...

hahhha. i'll buy you a house with a roof ok? muax!

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