One week.Just One Week.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

School started this week.Wow big shocker there now is it?...Yup, after two months of practically doing almost nothing I'm back to waking up at 6 a.m. and spending half my day presumebly gaining knowledge....

Just a re-cap of my first week in what would possibly be my most stressful year thus far...

Tuesday- Started off with us being our usual blur selves trying to find out where we were supposed to line up and stuff..Yup, typically us.After that followed with a usual boring day, save for the constant chatting our lovable class is able to produce (catching up with each other mah..).There are usually no lessons on the first day of school.Thinking about it made me feel more cheerful actually.Maybe for once I would not have to come home to a never ending pile of homework *shudders* top off the day like a beautiful cherry on a Sundae, in came our Physics teacher and gave us a peka to doShe even wanted us to stay back!.On our first day...Why? I may never know....Don't teachers know that we're still trying to get accustomed to studying againafter a two month hiatus?Hehhe.

Wednesday-Nothing much except for another boring lesson of Mod Maths. I don't mean to criticise or anything but honestly la, some of the topics in Mod Maths just don't seem to be useful to me now and never will be.Never ever.

Thursday-Yup, Pn. Lee missed us.Missed giving us tons of homework that is.Aih. The first Add Maths period and we're already piled with homework.Too much homework.Yeah, she sure missed us.A lot if you judge by the amount of homework she gave us.

Friday-Had our first Chemistry lesson today.Wasn't so bad actually.Found out that I have to pay RM 143 just to sit for SPM.What a rip off.Might as well don't sit for the exam..If it were possible.A BIG if.A very big UNLIKELY if.

Thats the first week.Only the first week.Many more to come till the big bang. Currently praying very hard to survive this year.*smiles*

P.S. : Remember when I said this would probably be my most stressful year? Actually someone corrected me on that one today.It isn't probably.It WILL be.The reason is because he says this exam will determine my entire future...Oh joy to the world.I feel no pressure now.Nope, not at all. *rolls eyes*

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