Friday, June 29, 2007
I wanted to update. I felt the need to update mainly because I just can't stare at all those assignments anymore. My cerebrum is susceptible to work overload which might lead to brain damage. Heh.
And it doesn't help when friends say they have finished 99% of their work which I should have finished by now too. Oh boy. But I ain't got no computer skills lar. Save me. I should get Peter Petrelli to save me. Stop saving the world already lar. I am worth much more :)
Gosh, life sucks at times. But, I will look at the bright side although it looks kind of dim now :(
I am sleep deprived. It tells when the guys ask you if you are not getting enough sleep.
There was something I wanted to rant about. But I forgot what it was.
Sorry people.
I am sparing your eyesight by not ranting about the gazillion assignments I have due.
You see, I love all you people that read my blog :)
And I'm going to Penang tomorrow for the weekend. Perfect timing :(
I know this post is pretty pointless. But I felt the need to say something. Even if it lacks substance.